April 28, 2015 6:00pm
111 Loggers Lane (Doucette House)
Present were Scott Curtis, Pam Doucette. On Conference phone speaker were Wendolyn Holland
and Jane Wyler
Not Present: Jerry Seifert
Meeting called to order at 6:15pm. Quorum established
Old Business:
a. Minutes from last meeting (October 2014) approved.
b. Scott reported that Road Groups worked out well this year and while there were some issues
with the Whipsaw group prepaying he is hopeful that next year it will run smoothly. For doing
the Board Loop Road and Boiler Road, including a grading at the end of the season, the 14
members paid a total of $740.00 for the common area road plowing. Board Loop West group
worked smoothly with the precollection
of plow money. The Board commented on how
fantastic Janet Kellam’s contribution has been.
c. Scott has been meeting with Jack Dies, insurance agent, about putting liability insurance for
our common areas in place and will move forward with getting a signed policy in effect.
d. Discussion Re; Parcel BB ownership. There is confusion as to who actually has interest in
Parcel BB. Pam will review the history and set up a meeting with John Campbell regarding
resolving the inconsistencies in the transfer of the property. They currently pay taxes on the
Parcel BB along with A. It was agreed that the expense of getting a lawyer involved is not
necessary at this time however we need to get approval for utility easements under
fisherman’s easements as well as common driveways.
e. Discussion on knapweed: Jane and Wendolyn will discuss with resident experts, Trent
Stumph and Susie Michael, what kind of a plan we should begin in the neighborhood to
eradicate the knapweed from individual lots and common ditches . Information regarding what
homeowners can and should do on their property will go out in our annual letter in early June
with the annual dues bill.
f. Ditch Mowing: The Board will assess the growth in the ditches along the roads in July to
determine if there is a need to hire a private company to cut the weed growth. Last year the
county indicated it did not have funding to do this.
g. It was unanimously voted to ask Vicki to update the website for us. Pam and Scott will meet
with Vicki when she is back in town next week about updating the website. Design Review
projects needing to be added currently include Vaughn house and Tom Drougas house
addition. An updated directory will be added as well as the Design Review Request Form and
approved BOD meeting minutes.
Financial Report:
a. Scott reviewed reports from Lynn at Sage BookKeeping. At Year end 2014 we had $6,709.00
in the Savings/Checking Account and current liabilities of $2700. Some of this (approx. $2000)
is from the plow groups. Our Aging accounts receivable has been substantially reduced but
there is still over $3000 in receivables. The majority is one owner with a very large road
improvement bill outstanding. We currently have $5,914.73 in the savings/checking account.
Scott is going to talk to Lynn about separating the Plow group financials out from the profit and
Loss statement. Taxes have been paid.
b. 2015 Dues invoices are due to go out from Sage Bookkeeping in Mid June. It was agreed that
an annual letter will go out with this mailing. Wendolyn and Jane will draft a letter that will
i. Information and responsibility of owners regarding weed eradication,
ii. A reminder that the neighborhood Summer Leisure Sports party will be August 8th,
2015 at 111 Loggers, 4pm start, and evites
will be sent to those who have given
current email addresses to the Board. Spread the word…
iii. That as an association it is in every members interest to look at their property the way
their neighbor sees it and facilitate changes and improvements that improve the visual
impact our neighborhood gives off.
iv. Night sky reminder to turn off porch lights at night.
v. That dues will remain 110.00 (same as in 2014)
c. Pam will draft a letter for Jerry to sign that will go to the Bank and resolve the check signing
approvals. (Old business) <Post meeting note: Jerry will get this letter done.>
d. Scott will prepare a 2015 Budget which will be reviewed and approved by the BOD by email.
3. Design Review Report:
a. Brad Miller has resolved his avalanche issues and submitted a Review Request for tree
removal from his lot and house location on the lot. Additional Design Review Request will be
required for the house plans. Numerous meetings were held with neighbors and the owner
and builder. Calls were made to the Forest Service who will also be removing trees behind the
property that have been slated for thinning out since the last fire.
b. Jimmy Vaughn submitted plans for his new home and garage at 110 Rough Cut Lane which
were approved. He plans on beginning construction this spring.
c. Tom Drougas submitted a request to install a “Car Shelter” on his property which was
d. Tom Drougas also submitted plans for the construction of an addition to his house which were
approved. He is filing for a conditional use permit to build in parts of the riparian setback so no
start date as yet.
All approvals required discussion with neighbors and the review process and form appears to be
working well. There is confusion when the form should be submitted and this will be clarified (made
bold on the form): Submittal†should†occur†PRIOR†to†submitting†to†the†County†.
4. New Business
a. Summer Leisure Sports Party will be August 8th at Doucette’s from 28
PM . Potluck and
b. Zach Crist will be submitting plans for remodeling his house this spring.
c. Next meeting to be held on Sept. 10th, Thursday, 2015.
d. These minutes will be approved by email by the Board due to the time lag until next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM